Thursday, June 11, 2009


If Eiffel Tower is a significant symbol of Paris, Tokyo also has a very similar tower in shape, but much mor younger. Opened in 1958, Tokyo Tower is 333 m tall and weights 4000 tons (almost a half of Eiffel Tower). It is painted in orange and white according to the Civil Aeronotic Law : 28 000 liters of paint ! Four analog waves and 10 digital waves are transmitted from the Tower. Illumination are different depending on the season : orange light in winter and white incandescent light in summer. After 10 years in Tokyo, I never went to its top...

Camera : Pentax MX-4


  1. hi, I stumbled upon your site by chance.
    beautiful photos. you really have an eye to seek the beauty beneath the obvious, which is what Japan is all about. bravo!

  2. Hi, thank you for such kind words !
    So will try to keep on catching beauty beneath the obvious !
